17 November, 2009

Happy birthday to me!

I was told that I must do a sketch to commemorate the birthday. And since I hardly had time, I didn't think I could. But there are times when you'll have sudden bursts of energy especially when you're dead tired - apparently that's why kids get all hyper around their bedtime. So, once all my party people left and it was still a few minutes before midnight, I started on this and was done by 1am so I am quite proud of it. I did have the "married or dead" drama sometime this year - it should be on the regular blog somewhere.
Someone hardly a decade younger than me called me auntie. I'm trying to convince myself that it was because she forgot my name. But on the whole, I had an awesome birthday... I felt so very blessed with so much (people-wise). I didn't have a surprise party and get fooled this year as well but I did have a wonderfully wonderful one. I have much gratitude in my heart today. Okay, will stop with the mush.

02 November, 2009

Oh, Dakuwaqa!

I honestly don't know what to name it. I have about 30 names I like but nothing has really hooked me. Then I was watching an episode of "Bones" where someone said the word "Dakuwaqa" and I'm like what a cute word and it was simply brilliant that it meant what it does. That's where I got the title idea from. This way, one could express exasperation without taking the Lord's name in vain!
"Kaye" and "Haley" in the name suggestions refer to Danny Kaye and Bill Haley. My grandfather used to always play his "Rock around the clock" record (yes, we actually played records!) every morning after he awoke and once I got up, he'd switch to the "Danny Kaye sings for children" record which I absolutely loved.

Checkers, how about checkers?

The whole idea of these two playing chess just cracks me up for some reason. Probably because I do sometimes view life as one big chess game. Anyway, my grandfather taught me chess when I was young and I guess I could be good at it but I just don't have the patience to finish a game. And I probably get all nervous if I'm about to be killed. My grandfather then told me that my mom used to play chess and when she was about to lose, she'd pretend to get up to get something and knock over the board. No wonder she loves board games. I do have a very interesting family. I didn't really think about doing a sketch about it but a dear friend said I must after I told her that story.
I do have an alternate ending but I'll probably draw that later. Those little chess pieces were annoying to draw and please don't count the squares on the board to see if I got it right.

There comes a time when everyone could do with a hug. But don't tell anyone I said that.

I drew the left one first and then I felt that it might seem a bit unnatural/rare so I thought I'd do one a bit more familiar/characteristic. Just so that people don't think I've gone soft.

Anyway, the point is that I now see why Walt Disney declared that he loved Mickey Mouse more than anyone or any woman or something like that.

Public message #1 - One would think that all these people used to be Llamas

It really really pisses me off when people do that as if it's the most accepted thing to do on the roads. Don't even get me started on urinating. I would have drawn that if I was a daring comic book artist but I'm not so I'll just stick to safe spitting zones.

Again, don't ask how it rides the bicycle.

Feel free to throw us out

Don't get it? I suppose you had to be there. This is for three very special house guests I had some time ago. They drove me insane to the point of drawing ridiculous strips about them. I wanted to do one which involved them being distilled but will save that for later. It's funny how they're all animals that could potentially eat the shark.
I realised one thing though - I simply cannot draw birds. And yes, that is a copy of the big dog from "Two Stupid Dogs".

ps - click on the picture to enlarge it
Copyright (c) 2014 Gitanjali (Anju) Sabu. All rights reserved (At least, that's what the Copyright law says). Please don't steal or distribute my sketches unless you intend to make me famous. Or else, I'll have to feed you to the sharks, vipers and other fierce creatures.
Please don't copy, trace, steal or use these characters or the idea of these characters as your own. In case of fan art, please do not add anything to these characters. Thank you!